Heartland CRLA
The Heartland Region Encompasses IA, KS, NE, MO, and OK
Conference Handouts

Wichita, KS
April 2015
"Annotation Through Collaboration"
Powerpoint (pptx)
Step by Step Guide (pdf)
"Integrated Reading and Writing"
Powerpoint (pptx)

Overland Park, KS
April 2016
Keynote: "Fostering Student Success in the Digital Age"
Powerpoint (pdf)
Resource Handout (pdf)
Edwards "Utilizing Technology in Designing Lessons"
Powerpoint (pdf)
Hufford "Teaching in a Facebook World"
Powerpoint (pdf)
Montognese "Accuplacer Presentation"
Powerpoint (pdf)
Merritt "Reading and Managing Digital Documents"
Handout (pdf)
Skogland "Using Google Docs to Enhance Learning & Administration"
Powerpoint (pdf)

Kansas City, MO
April 2017
Keynote: "Listening to Learn and Learning to Listen - Listening Strategies for Tutors and Students"
Powerpoint (pdf)
Borcherding, Hoekstra, and Fiechtner - Facilitation and Group Dynamics: A Model for Success
Powerpoint (pdf)
Handout (pdf)
Barnhill Roundtable: "Learning Center Management - Best Practices and Current Issues
Handouts (pdf)
Gold: "One Learning Outcome - Meaningful and Accessable"
Powerpoint (pdf)

Lawrence, KS
April 2018
Keynote: "Small Steps for Big Gains and Strategies that Work"
Handout - "How to be an Inbox Ninja"
Handout - "Ten Awesome Productivity Apps"
Handout - "Quick Start Action Plan"
Barnhill & Gold - "Peer Mentor and Tutor Training Collaboration: Metacognitive Strategies
of Learning and Retrieval Methods "
Powerpoint (pdf)
Handout - Graphic Organizers
Bethke - "Roundtable: Improving Comprehension by Adding Book-Length Narratives"
Handout - About YA Fiction

Mahoney, NE
April 2019
Bethke, Franklin, and Jonason - "Novels and Non-fiction in the Classroom and Beyond"
Handout -
Haggard and Baldrige - "Leaping: after Looking: Combining Hybrid and Tutoring Methods"
Powerpoint (ppt)

Virtual Conference
April 2021
Baker, Nicole - "Developmental Reading Teachers and Feelings of Self-Efficacy"
Barnhill, Joe - "Self-Regulated Learning"
Bybee, Keenan, and Skoglund - "A Holistic Approach to Student Staff Training"
Halstead, Amber - "Pivoting to On-line Tutoring Using Tutortrac"
King and Miller - "Better Together: Building a Combined SI and Tutoring Program"
McCoskey, Kathy - "Connecting with the Whole Student"
Rack, Mary - "Reading as a Math Learning Strategy"
Rissler, Sarah - "Study Skills in the Era of Covid"

St. Joseph, MO
April 2022
Atkins, Wykeshia - "Service Excellence in Higher Education"
Garland, Diana & Jan Norton - "Leading Your Center: From Philosophy to Action"
Garland, Diana - "The Impact of the Pandemic on Students Expectations for Teaching
and Learning" (Roundtable Discussion)
Haase, Dylan & John Ophus - "Using Peer Education to Help Students Who Need it the Most"
Haase, Michel, Mundt & Peter -"Crafting Intentional Opportunities for Graduate Students
within the Peer Education Environment"
Matulewicz, Luke - "Bringing tutors into the classroom: Piloting embedded tutoring in BIOL-198"
Matulewicz, Luke - "Tutoring training: the new online/hybrid course?"
Peter, Saydie & Matthew Johnson - "Assessing Course Embedded Peer-Led Undergraduate
Skoglund, Kirk - "Leading Tutors to Success: New ITTPC Standards & A Successful Application"
Sobolevsky, Alla & Rebecca Kastendick - "Seeing the FOREST and the TREES"

Kansas City, MO
April 2023
Atkins, Wykeshia and Lindie Perry - "Using Teach Back in the Tutoring Session"
Bybee, Dunn - "Animating Tutor Training Content"
Garland, Diana - "CAS Standards"
Moffett, Gretchen - "Shame Free Feedback"
Wilson, Michelle - "Cultivating a DEI Learning Environment"

Lawrence, KS
April 2024
Key Note Address
McGuire, Saundra Yancy - "Metacognition: The Key to an Inclusive Learning Approach"